Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2024 - Last updated: March 1, 2024


Author: Jenifer (Michele) Dodd

Title: “Compulsive Rapism”

Subtitle: Psychiatric Approaches to Sexual Violence in the 1980s

Thesis: Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University

Advisor: Sarah Igo

Year: 2016

Pages: vi + 314pp.

OCLC Number: 953592029 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | American History: U.S. History | Types: Rape / Child Sexual Abuse; Society: Organizations / North American Association for Man/Boy Love; Research: Disciplines / Psychiatry


Link: Vanderbilt University Institutional Repository (Free Access)


Abstract: »This dissertation examines the battle between various ideas—psychiatric and feminist in particular—surrounding sexual violence in the 1980s. Women’s advocates worked tirelessly in the 1980s to redefine rape as an act of violence rather than one of sex. This argument hinged on an understanding of gender roles as largely sociological—men and women were socialized in vastly different ways and the product of this socialization was a patriarchal system in which men expressed their dominance over women through acts of violence. For psychiatrists, however, sexual violence was a more specific problem and one that might be dealt with through psychiatric means. Attempts to research and theorize sexual violence were simultaneously attempts to treat sexual violence by treating sex offenders. Psychiatrists involved in this type of work consistently argued that existing solutions for sexual violence were not sufficient—incarceration did not solve the underlying disposition of the sex offender, and therefore neither did feminist legal advocacy that pushed for higher conviction rates—whereas psychiatric treatment might offer a more productive way forward in the long-term. This dissertation argues that these two groups became caught up in a political battle that focused on somewhat semantic differences (rape as sex versus rape as violence, when in reality both groups weighed both factors) and legal questions (how rape-as-mental-illness would affect conviction rates), rather than working together to offer alternative solutions to America’s problem with sexual violence. This debate ultimately distracted from the issue of how society could best deal with rape, and became instead a space for both groups to talk about gender roles, and the importance of socialization in shaping mental illness. The dissertation also discusses the ways in which these various ideas about sexual violence were taken up in other arenas (the courts, popular media, and fringe sexual groups), in ways that neither psychiatrists nor feminists had initially envisioned.« (Source: Vanderbilt University Institutional Repository)

  Acknowledgements (p. iii)
  Abbreviations (p. vi)
  Introduction (p. 1)
    Literature Review (p. 5)
    Chapter Outline (p. 14)
    A Note about Language (p. 25)
  Chapter 1. Diagnosing Rape: Paraphilic Coercive Disorder in the DSM (p. 27)
    Paraphilias & The DSM-III (p. 30)
    PCD: A Theory of Rape (p. 35)
    Rapism in DSM-III (p. 56)
    PCD in DSM-III-R (p.58)
    Politics & Social Issues in the APA (p. 64)
    Defining the DSM (p. 70)
    Conclusion (p. 74)
  Chapter 2. “As a Woman and a Mental Health Worker”: Protesting the DSM-III-R1 (p. 76)
    Anti-Rape Advocacy in the 1970s and 1980s (p. 80)
    Protests and Petitions (p. 85)
    Women in the Mental Health Professions (p. 101)
    Labeling (Bad) Behavior (p. 112)
    Male Pathologies: DDPD and PCD in Comparison (p. 123)
  Chapter 3. Treating Sex Offenders at Johns Hopkins Hospital (p. 130)
    Treatment Regimes (p. 132)
    Ethical Issues (p. 150)
    Conclusion (p. 164)
  Chapter 4. The North American Association for Man/boy Love: Rhetoric and Politics in the 1980s (p. 167)
    NAMBLA’s Cultural Relativism (p. 170)
    NAMBLA And Expertise (p. 174)
    Children’s Rights to What? (p. 178)
    Official Rhetoric and Contradictions (p. 198)
    NAMBLA & the Gay Community (p. 206)
    Conclusions (p. 215)
  Chapter 5. “The purpose of confinement is treatment and not punishment”461: Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders in the Courts (p. 218)
    Involuntary Commitment in the 1970s and 1980s (p. 223)
    MDSO Statutes (p. 227)
    “For the Purposes of Treatment” (p. 240)
    Psychiatric Knowledge and Its Limits (p. 258)
    Conclusions (p. 274)
  Conclusion (p. 276)
    The Afterlife of PCD (p. 281)
    Pedophilia in the 21st Century (p. 289)
    Psychiatry and Fourth-Wave Feminism (p. 297)
  References (p. 301)
    Archival Sources (p. 301)
    Secondary Sources (p. 301)
    Primary Sources – Published (p. 306)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States / History of the United States (1980–1991) | Academic discipline: Psychiatry / History of psychiatry, Psychiatry in the United States | Medicine: Medical manuals / Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in the United States | Sex and the law: Rape / Rape in the United States | Sex and the law: Pedophilia / North American Man/Boy Love Association